To run the tests in a node environment:
$ npm install
$ npm test
The node test output should look something like this.
To run the tests in a browser environment, open the SpecRunner.html
$ npm install
$ cd test
$ bower install
$ open SpecRunner.html
The browser tests create elements so you can visually see the clouds, and it also runs the Jasmine tests where you can breakpoint and experiment with the different examples in the test cases.
22 specs, 0 failures
should return an object
should support the new operator
should support immediate configuration
should support delayed configuration
should have a words() function which sets and/or returns the words in the cloud
should have word objects with minimally key, and value
should have a size() function which sets and/or returns the size of the svg of the cloud
should survive an invalid a size()
should survive a string size()
should survive a negative size()
should add svg attributes
should add itself to d3
Simple end-to-end with render
should draw one svg text node for each word
Replicable layout
generate same text data
should have equivalent data
should use the same code but not leak state
Redraw a new random cloud
should have its own element
should have word objects
should add render attributes upon start
should not change word objects render attributes on subsequent start()
Redraw the same pseudorandom cloud from the same text
should generate a seemingly random cloud
should generate a second matching seemingly random cloud
Redraw a persisted cloud
should not change word objects render attributes